Valuations, appraisals & buying
WhiskyDispatch uses its own proprietary, price intelligence tool to determine the current market value of rare, old and recent bottlings of whisky. We selectively provide consulting services to a small number of clients who find worth in our expertise, and we also acquire whisky from a variety of sources to later sell the bottles for profit.
Most importantly, we hold a deep-rooted love for Scotland’s national drink. We care about its history, its traditions, its cultural significance, and ensuring its continued success for generations to come. We also believe it’s important to foster positive experiences and interactions as they relate to the buying and selling of whisky.
Oftentimes, those seeking appraisals do so out of the desire or necessity to sell. This can be a deeply personal decision marked by emotional ties and financial considerations. Whether the bottles were inherited from a departed loved one, or acquired as investments with hopes of future gains, each bottle holds a story. We believe that navigating the sale of a whisky collection requires sensitivity, empathy, and an understanding of the multifaceted value that extends beyond mere price tags. These considerations must also be balanced with the recognition that there is a value to our time, knowledge and experience. To that end, we are able to offer the following services:
Appraisal of one bottle: Free
Appraisal of up to 10 bottles: Billed in a one-hour block of £30 (£25 + VAT). Providing this consultation may entail a short phone call to correctly identify the expressions, and follow-up as needed for photographs of the bottles. The appraisal will include an honest assessment of the current market values, what we would offer to buy the collection outright, as well as recommendations for the most appropriate auctioneers for each respective bottling (if going the auction route is preferred).
Larger collections and onsite appraisals: Billed hourly at £30 (£25 + VAT) with an initial retainer deposit of £60 towards the first two hours..
To request a valuation, please email Ben Smith though our Contact page. Further, if you’ve already valued your collection and simply want to know if WhiskyDispatch will buy your bottles, feel free to get in touch with a list and the price that you have in mind. We will be happy to respond with a polite ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Remember, while we are in the business of buying and selling bottles, we are unlikely to match the sticker prices for unsold bottles that might be found floating around the internet.